
FiberTech Relax Fresh

Acid Rinse & Neutralizer

Fiber Tech Relax is formulated specifically for use on carpets and upholstery as the final step in wet cleaning applications. This mild acid solution stabilizes the dyes in fibers to aid prevention of discoloration. Relax is safe to use on all synthetic and natural fibers that are water-safe. Relax may be used as a final rinse through an extraction machine or sprayed on as a neutralizer leaving fabrics clean and soft to the touch.


Pretest in an inconspicuous area to ensure dye stability (especially when applying to wool and fine synthetics). Use through an extraction machine as a final rinse. Spray directly onto surface, or apply with a towel. Do not add Relax into the cleaning solution.

For use on Carpets –

Dilute 4-6 oz. of Relax per gallon of water. After the cleaning process, apply using a standard pump or power sprayer.

For use on Upholstery –

Dilute 4-6 oz. of Relax per gallon of water. After cleaning, use as a final rinse through an extraction machine or spray directly onto fabric.