PUMP SPRAYER: Mix 2 scoops (2 ounces) per gallon of hot water. Mix well and apply to carpet.
INLINE SPRAYER: mix 6 scoops (6 ounces) per 5 quarts of water, and use the 10:1 tip. For best results agitate with a pile brush or rake. Rinse and extract carpet.
Need EXTRA PUNCH for heavily soiled carpets?
PUMP SPRAYER: Mix 3 scoops (3 ounces) Redline PreSpray and 3 ounces ZapIt Spotter per gallon of hot water.
INLINE SPRAYER: Mix 1 cup (8 scoops) RedLine PreSpray and 1 cup ZapIt Spotter per 5 quarts of water.
Test for colorfastness or color change on textiles in an inconspicuous area before using.